MInD Lab Workshop at 2019 CAADRIA Conference
12 – 14 April 2019, University of Wellington, New Zealand
MInD Lab will be holding 3 day workshop “Sensory Urbanism: the Affordances of Virtual Reality (VR) and the insights beyond the technology” at incoming CAADRIA 2019 Conference at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. From 12th to 14th of April, Anastasia Globa, Rui Wang, and Tuba Kocaturk will assist and aid conference visitors curious to learn more about interconnectedness of VR technology and peacemaking.
Participants are invited to design and develop an immersive, interactive virtual environment of Wellington Waterfront, based on our customisable place‐making platform. Participants will use the 3D models and the media collected from the existing site to recreate the multi-sensory ambiance of place (Wellington Waterfront) in virtual reality. In parallel to mapping existing data in VR, participants will also develop their own design interventions. Towards the end of the workshop we will invite people to experience this multi‐sensory urban space, evaluate the affordances of this approach compared to traditional methods, and explore future directions of adopting VR technology in place making.
Goals for the workshop are:
For participants: Participants will gain practical knowledge and skills of using mixed‐media data representation approach applied in the context of Virtual Reality; this approach can be embedded in their future research and practice.
For workshop chairs: To investigate the affordances of VR technology and gaming engines as a means to develop, present, gather data and explore built or unbuilt urban and architectural spaces, including the advantages and the drawbacks of this new approach compared to traditional representations, such as drawings and photos.
For CAADRIA: This intensive workshop will engage participants with the multi‐sensory and temporal aspects of urban place, forming discussions and inspirations around future potentials of building intelligent and informed systems for smart architecture and urbanism.
At the same conference, Anastasia Globa, Rui Wang, and Beau B. Beza will also present the paper titled “Sensory Urbanism and Placemaking: Exploring Virtual reality and the Creation of Place.”
Victoria University of Wellington
Faculty of Architecture and Design
139 Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
12 – 14 APRIL, 2019