The team of Deakin’s A+B researchers successfully completed funded project working in collaboration with the MindLab team
January, 2021, Geelong
The project titled “Digital narrative for place making: Diachronic Modelling of the Dennys Lascelles Concrete Wool Store; Geelong,” funded by the internal A+B Deakin Seed Grant, was successfully completed at the end of 2020 school year. The team members include: Dr Md Mizanur Rashid (team lead), Dr Surabhi Pancholi, Dr Chin Koi Khoo, and, as a MindLab representative, Dr Sofija Kaljevic. Director of the MindLab, professor Tuba Kocaturk, had a role of research project advisor. The outcome of the project can be explored on newly established web page related to the project www.dennyslascelles.net. This website is at this moment and open for user feedback and comments as well as contribution through interactive forums. Any user who has memories associated with this building as well as any images, drawings, photographs that are relevant are encouraged to share those through the website. It is anticipated that after one year of running the website these feedback and contributions will be collated with the main story line. Hence a web portal will work in both ways.
More about the project here.