A Spatially Intelligent Arts Centre at Geelong Design Week 2022
A Spatially Intelligent Arts Centre will explore novel approaches and applications to change an Art Centre building’s agency from a mere physical enclosure to a dynamic, spatially intelligent space.
Join us for this interactive panel discussion where our multi-disciplinary team will be presenting interim findings and discussions around Geelong Art Centre’s ‘A Spatially Intelligent Arts Centre’ research project.
Explore the nexus where art, technology and the built environment connect, as well how we can enable, develop and even manipulate a sense of belonging in cultural buildings through well considered design.
The panel will present an update of research to-date and discuss opportunities where art, audience, technology and the built environment meet.
Our panel includes Geelong Arts Centre CEO and Creative Director, Joel McGuinness, and key researchers from Deakin’s MindLab, including Professor Tuba Kocaturk, Professor Stefan Greuter and Dr Domenico Mazza, who will share their exciting research and ways to innovate and explore opportunities for technology to augment and complement dynamic live experiences at Geelong Arts Centre.
More information is available at the Geelong Arts Centre website https://geelongartscentre.org.au/whats-on/all-events/a-spatially-intelligent-arts-centre/.
A recording of the event is available at https://vimeo.com/689576393.